Skins Art Gallery is now LIVE!
Hi Folks!
Absolutely thrilled to announce our 'Skins Art Gallery' website is now live and e-commerce ready.
The digitisation of the 'The Nature Series' wax art collection is now complete and we're able to offer stunning limited edition prints in Kodak Endura Metallic media, up to the enlarged 50x70inch wall mural size, via our new website!
Thank you to those that supported us. In particular, a big thank you to our Kickstarter supporters, Digital Masters Australasia, High-Res Digital, and the awesome team at Prolab!
I'm so pleased my vision has come to life. More exciting releases are to come, and not only from me! For updates, subscribe to our e-newsletter on our website homepage HERE, LIKE or Follow our Facebook or Instagram.
Today marks the 85th birthday anniversary of my late Uncle Brian Syron, an Arts industry pioneer and courageous advocate for Indigenous rights and cultural expression. We launched our Kickstarter on my Grandmother’s birthday, in remembrance, and it seems only fitting that Skins Art Gallery is born on this day, as a tribute.
The Skins Art Gallery website will provide a platform to share our stories, our voices, our creative 'work' with the world. The platform will play a part in enriching our culture and society, and support the health and wellbeing of our mob. I’m proud to share these values and continue this legacy.
Michael Scarrott
Founder Skins Art Gallery